Technology, such as wind and solar, cannot stand much of a chance if there is not a way to store energy when the wind doesn’t blow or the sun doesn’t shine. Such challenges require a storage solution such as lithium-ion batteries. They enable renewable energy generation to be stored until needed. Because of this, some of the world’s biggest companies are investing billions of dollars to build massive projects that will combine the two with energy storage. The core idea with these hybrid projects is to allow a more continuous supply of clean power, which will better enable them to reduce its reliance on coal and fossil fuels which are one of the major sources of smog and climate-warming greenhouse gases.
Energy storage remains a crucial part in ensuring the integration of renewable sources onto the power grid. By using energy storage during brief outages, businesses can avoid costly disruptions and continue normal operations. Residents can save themselves from lost food and medicines, and the inconvenience of not having electricity. Storage is playing a revolutionary role in the further advancement of solar. States with higher storage penetrations will lead to an unmistakable trend in the solar industry.
Few insights about the importance of storage in renewable energy:
- Solar + storage has and will continue to have a symbiotic relationship. Ultimately, the wide-scale adoption of solar will lead to the wide-scale adoption of storage, which will, in turn, lead to more opportunities to deploy solar.
- While storage can be used in many applications, the success of storage technology is intimately tied to solar because of its potential for meteoric growth in the solar sector.
- To overcome global problems like climate change, global warming and to ensure a sustainable future, storage will play a key role.
Energy storage can smooth electricity prices through arbitrage, manage evening energy ramps, mitigate the risk of curtailment, provide black start capability, provide backup power and more. The cost of lithium-ion batteries (the most common type of storage paired with solar) has fallen rapidly as manufacturing has scaled up to support both electric grid applications and electric vehicles.
Without a doubt, there is certainly plenty of room for growth of stand-alone solar in most states, but the long-term success of the solar industry depends on the cost-effective integration of storage.
In the fight against the climate crisis, renewable energy takes center stage. It has the power to tackle problems so many of us are worried about such as global warming, air pollution, etc. Among all the clean technologies, solar energy is an efficient renewable energy source to reduce the emission of greenhouse gases and helps to trim down global warming. Join the movement of the country’s aim to significantly reduce our carbon footprint by switching to solar energy and invest in a better tomorrow for future generations.