The transition to renewables is a profound phenomenon. Clean energy addresses climate change, generates savings, disrupts fossil fuel interests, and helps lift the economy.
According to the annual review conducted by the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), 500,000 jobs were added in 2017. A 5.3% increase over the prior year, which itself grew at 21% over 2016. A 27% increase in two years.
China, India, the US, Brazil and Germany remain the most active markets and largest employers, representing 70% of the total. The data highlights that the economic, social and environmental benefits are most obvious in countries where supporting policies are enacted, and “…supports our analysis that decarbonization of the global energy system can grow the global economy and create up to 28 million jobs …by 2050,”
Says Adnan Z Amin, the Director General of the Agency.
The US and Japan are the two largest markets for PV employment after China.
In August 2010, 93,000 US workers spent more than half of their work hours on projects related to solar power. The solar industry employs people in science, engineering, manufacturing, construction, and finance.
Source: “National Solar Jobs Census 2010: A Review of the U.S. Solar Workforce” (The Solar Foundation, October 2010), p.4,
In 2017, 250,271 workers were employed in solar, 270% more than in 2010. Employment in US solar grew nearly ten times faster than the economy in that time span. Solar employs twice as many workers as coal, nearly as many as in natural gas, but women make up 27% of the workforce, and vets 9%.
Solar lights a path to a better world….
Staten is a part of this phenomenon, growing, hiring in the US and India; finding highly trained and bright managers, in operations, sales, engineering. Visit